May in our house is always full of craziness, especially in the beginning of the month. This year to add to the birthdays and mothers day I got off crutches and JT got glasses.
On May 1'st we had Ethan's 2nd birthday party. Jake and I worked together to make a cool dump truck cake for Ethan. We had our family over and celebrated our amazing little boy! Ethan is so smart! He knows his ABC's, letter names and sounds. He knows his colors, and he can name almost any kind of truck or car there is! He still loves to read books and dance and sing to his bible music CD. He is so loving and kind, especially to JT. Ethan is the BEST big brother! He brings laughter and joy into our lives every single day! Yes, even on the hard days full of melt downs. His beautiful eyes and deep dimples can melt my heart. Ethan's birthday party was a great day for us! Thankfully I had gotten off crutches 4 days before the party :-) Then Monday we celebrated Ethan's real birthday, Tuesday we had a break, Wednesday we celebrated my birthday.
Then on Sat. we celebrated Mother's day with my mom. I have really been getting into cake making so I made my mom a Mother's day cake. The picture isn't great, the cake fell over in the car on the way to my mom's :-( Oh well, still tasted ok.
Sunday we celebrated my Mother's day. My men took me to Cheesecake Factory! YUM YUM! JT had a beautiful pooplosion at the lunch table which was super! Just the Mother's day gift I was hoping for! Ethan was his usual wonderful self for the majority of the meal. I mean honestly how long can a tired 2 yr old behave at a table? He did great! Then on Monday we had to take JT back to the Ophthamologist at the reccommendation of one of his Developmental Specialists. While there the doctor determined that JT would need glasses and perhaps surgery to correct his vision problems. When I said surgery to Jake I think his heart stopped beating. Our family has seen enough medical bills and enough surgery to last a lifetime! Aside from that no one wants to hear that their child, yet alone their infant needs surgery on their eyes. It was a hard pill to swallow! Thankfully we are beginning with glasses. JT got his glasses yesterday and I am not sure he knows what to think. The doctor advised that we do 30 min on and 30 min off. Apparently new prescriptions can give you a headache. Neither Jake nor I have ever had glasses so this is ALL new to us! Anyway, he will be in glasses for the next 6 weeks, then we go back to see what step is next. If the glasses help at all he will remain in glasses. If they didn't help then its surgery. We are praying for God's mighty hand to work once again in JT's already blessed life! We are praying for a miracle! We are praying that the glasses allow his eyes to fully strengthen! This is a huge issue right now. JT's development has slowed down a great deal. Everyone seems to believe (and we agree) that it's because he can't see correctly. He doesn't do things he should be doing right now. We are praying that his vision is corrected and then that he is able to continue to develop. God has a plan for our little guy and all we can do is lean on Him. We have a loving Father and we know that JT is His beloved child! JT is God's perfect creation!
To continue with the madness of May, I have decided to become a Pampered Chef consultant. I might be crazy, but it's a good way for me to make my own hours and bring in a little extra money for bills. Plus I LOVE Pampered Chef stuff!! I am going to have my "grand Opening" for my business in the next week. I am praying it goes well. At the end of the month we will be preparing to head to VA beach for Jake's sisters wedding. They are getting married the first weekend in June. Thanks to some incredible friends we have a house at the beach for those few days. That is a huge and amazing blessing! We are looking forward to our trip and for the remainder of the summer. Although it will be full of Dr. appointments for JT I am hopeful that we will have a peaceful summer. I am also prayerful that I will be done with PT and walking and maybe even running a little. That would be awesome!
May has been a great month and it's not over yet. I am thankful that things are slowing down a little bit and I am looking forward to the days ahead.
We have a great God, a loving God, a God who hears us when we call. We are calling out to the Lord on behalf of JT and we hope that you will join us.
May God Bless you