Hi everyone,
Well we have had JT home for almost 2 weeks and everyone seems to be adjusting well. Ethan LOVES his baby brother. He is able to say JT and Justin. He hates taking a nap b/c he has to leave him and when he wakes up he is asking for him. This morning he woke up, heard JT and wouldn't stop saying his name until we went to see him and give him a kiss. My sweet little angel! Jake went back to work for a few days, then took a few days off for Christmas, then is working tomorrow and taking the rest of the week off to take care of me and the boys after my surgery. What a great man!! I have to say adjusting to having 2 has been entertaining!! I told my girlfriend that 2 is WAY more than 1. No one ever really seems to tell you that.
Anyway, thank you all for keeping us in your prayers. We have and will continue to just stay home away from germs for as long as we can. If you would, please pray for the next 2 weeks. Tuesday is my knee surgery and then on Thurs we take JT back to the pediatrician for another check up. (the equivalent of his 2 week check up even though he is already 8weeks old). Then the following week we see the neurologist at Children's on Tuesday and the ophthalmologist at Arlington for a follow up on Wed.
Please pray that neither of the boys get too overstimulated. Pray that JT get's glowing reports from all of his doctors! Please continue to keep Jake and I in your prayers. Keep our marriage in your prayers. We are doing well, but needles to say a child is a stress factor on a marriage, this is a bit more. Give thanks to God with us for Jake's work. Jake is able to take all the days off he has and is able to join us for all of JT's doctor's appointments too. They have been so good to us and we are so thankful!
God is good. We are encouraged daily. And, although we are so tired, Jake and I have found moments to just enjoy each other, laugh and make our marriage stronger.
We are so thankful for each and everyone of you. We hope and pray that you all had a very Merry Christmas and that Christ was your reason for celebrating. As I am sure you can imagine, Jake and I are REALLY looking for a more peaceful 2010 :-)
We love you all and are just so very blessed!
I Christ Jesus OUR rock!!