WHAT A DAY! Today was such a fantastic day! JT weighs 4lbs 8oz and... is in an open crib! This is a HUGE praise!!! They wait to put babies in an open crib when they are strong enough to maintain their body temp while exerting a lot of energy to eat. He is on 4 feedings a day. Which means that he either nurses or gets a bottle 4 times a day and is still gavage fed the other 4 times. So we are half way home in terms of eating :-) I sent Jake a picture as soon as I could and told him he should see my smile... it was ear to ear! I couldn't stop. I was so happy I almost cried! God is so good!
I know most of you have been waiting for an update on JT's eyes and development. He did see the Optomologist on Wednesday and everything looks like they expected. Basically, his eyes are under developed, but they are "normal" for his age (gestational age 35 weeks) He will have another eye exam in 4 weeks. The funny thing is, the next eye exam will be on his actual due date. As for the developmental specialist, she hasn't been in to see him yet. I think she will see him this Wed. but am not certain. So no news on that.
Oh, one last bit, we still don't know when he is coming home. I believe it is soon but am not getting my hopes up. There is no official word on when they might be sending us home with him, but be sure we will let you know when we do.
May God bless you!
Love in Christ,
Jake, Melissa, Ethan and JT
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