As you may remember JT has had some vision problems. He has been in glasses for the last 10 weeks. Sadly, the glasses have not helped at all :-( The Ophthamologist doesn't know if it's an eye issue or a brain issue. JT sees the Neurologist next Friday. We are hoping that she will be able to give us some insight on what is going on. Their are a few options as far as helping JT. Some of the options are surgeries and others are not. We are asking you to join us in prayer for a miracle! Please pray that this is a fixable eye issue and not a brain issue. JT is not developing appropriately because of the vision problems. This has been a bit of a struggle for me. Since my degree is in early childhood development I am more than aware of developmental milestones. Milestones that JT isn't hit and still hasn't hit. I am trusting God and praying that He will give me the knowledge, love and compassion I need to help JT. I am praying for God to give me peace. The peace only He can give. JT is an amazing happy little boy! He is social and he talks and smiles a beautiful smile! He is a true blessing!! Please pray with us. We love him so much and we want the best for him. We want God's best for him!
Thank you for your love and support. Your prayers for our family have carried us through many challenges and we are so thankful for you.
In Christ alone we put our hope,
Jake and Melissa
Pictures of JT and Ethan (JT is 8mos old, Ethan is 2)

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