Sunday, August 17, 2014

The trip

Originally I wanted to write a post every evening to share our adventures but we were so exhausted after driving all day the pillow was much too enticing.  So, here is my best attempt to recapture our adventures.
It started on Monday night when we stayed in a hotel in Reston.  The first thing the 3 big boys said was "WOAH! There is a TV in the bedroom?!??!!"  Jake and I couldn't help but laugh at our clearly deprived television kids. The night went well, sleep was enjoyed by all.  The next morning we took the 3 big kids back over to a dear friend of ours.  She is NUTS for taking my brood but it was a special treat for the boys.  (She was already watching her sisters kids and my 3 boys made her handful a whooping 8 kids to watch!)  Jake and I went back over to the house for one last cleaning session.  Our wonderful neighbor donated a bunch of stuff for us and we wanted to make sure that was all out of the house.  We went and pick up the boys, said our final so longs (not goodbye since we hope to visit or have them visit) and got on the road!  Our plan was to make a pit stop at JMU which we did but we didn't get out and stretch our legs.  The way the car is packed it took 30 min just to get the strollers and kids out of the car.  So every stop we made was a minimum of an hour to an hour and a half.  We ended up in a nice hotel in Johnson city just outside of Knoxville.  The next day we decided to make a nice long stop in Nashville.  We found a park right across the street from Vanderbilt and spent at least an hour running around. It was a beautiful day and the break was needed.  We got to Memphis that afternoon.  Now, let me just say this, lots of people warned us about Memphis... it is such a cool city!  I don't know if they aren't use to cities, or city people, but I would totally go back! We did make sure we were in by dusk, no need to take any chances, but we all had a great time walking around a little and exploring the city.
Next day the kids all threw a major fit as we put them back in the car.  They were so done! We got to our friends house in Dallas, had a great dinner, the boys saw and played with toys for the first time in weeks! They were thrilled! JT loved it so much he didn't want to leave.  He kept asking if we could stay.  Finally we arrived in San Antonio.  We are staying with some pretty amazing friends, they haven't kicked us out yet!

So that is the thrilling info about our journey, but I guess what I really wanted to share are the little things I have learned.  As Jake and I said our fair wells to many people I noticed how much people take for granted in life.  Me included.  That saying "you never know what you have until it's gone" rang true.  We tend to take people and situations for granted until they come to an end, then we are sad, wishing we had done more, seen them more, talked more, visited, made time. Everything happened very very fast, there is no denying that.  I am thankful we got extra special time to visit with so many.

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