Tuesday, March 3, 2020


He, he who?!? God of course!

We asked for prayers and they were answered!
Jt was VERY anxious but we slowly saw it go away. I told the doctor he was nervous, she and he had a wonderful conversation.  JT agreed to her terms so to speak and we left with the purple pillow in hand but not on him.

Right now we are all struggling.  Struggling to help him find comfort without the medications.  Doctor says it's time to get off the meds! We talked about it, I asked about another medication he use to be on, she said she didn't want to prescribe it until he was off what he is on.  So, this week we will officially wean off the meds! Pray, pray for his comfort and for our hearts. He is also getting discomfort and pain mixed up. He is going to be uncomfortable. He is going to be sore and tired and he isn't going to like it, but we can't continue to medicate for that.
Jake and I are looking forward to getting him off all the medications for so many reasons.  But, at the same time, it's a little scary. He already is waking at night due to pain, is getting off the meds going to be worse!? Only time will tell.

For now, thank God for granting JT some peace.  He really needed it and it is a gift and a blessing and we need to give all glory to God.
Pray for JT to learn the difference between pain and discomfort.  Pray for our hearts and for discernment.  JT can be VERY manipulative. I don't mean that meanly, he is smart and learns quickly how to use things for his advantage, this is one of those situations.
EX. Yesterday I was off getting the boys from school, JT started screaming for Jake.  Jake runs down the stairs thinking he's in real need or pain... "Daddy (in tears mind you) can you please turn on a full episode of Sid the Science kid." Are you kidding!??! (please laugh, we do. He's such a smart stinker)

So, pray for us to have wisdom to discern the manipulation vs the pain and the true need for help and comfort.

Tomorrow he will have his very first 30 min PT session.  We are all very excited to help him get moving again.  I keep saying, this journey is just starting, I feel like I STILL haven't left the start line. Today the doctor told us to anticipate another 6 months before he gets back to where he was before the surgery.  She is also recommending intensive rehab again.  This is where JT and either Jake or I go back and live in the hospital for weeks.  He will have 4 hours of therapy every single day to help him get back to where he was and prayerfully further.  Last time we did this he started walking on his own - wouldn't that be glorious if we could do that again with confidence instead of with trepidation.

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