Things have been going very well lately. The twins have been gaining weight and the blood work came back normal for everything. It looked like 2014 was going to be a great year for us. Then On Thursday morning at about 2am Dylan woke up screaming! We couldn't do anything to help him. I have been concerned about RSV because they are preemies and because they got their synergis shot late. I took him into the pediatrician at 9am thinking it was his lungs (although they sounded fine to me and I had been watching him closely) or maybe an ear infection. Our pediatrician sent me to the ER. He believed Dylan had a hernia which would require surgery. So, I stopped at the house, picked up Logan and Jake and off to the ER we went. Dylan has hydrocele and bilateral hernias. On Friday we met with the surgeon and scheduled surgery for Tuesday. Dylan screams in what seems like pain intermittently. The doctor taught us how to push his intestines from his scrotum back into his stomach. Every time he would get too upset and every diaper change we would check and things were going okay. Not great, but okay. The "episodes" as I call them are more frequent by the day and they seem to last longer. We were given a list of "if this happens" go back to the ER. This morning Jake thought it was time to go back to the ER. So, off we went again. Of course, by the time we got to the ER Dylan was quiet and content. The doctors looked at him and although they see our concern it is not deemed and emergency and we will have to wait until Tuesday for the surgery.
Jake and I have gone through a myriad of emotions. Sadness, fear, anger, helplessness and so on. I told Jake last night and again this morning that I needed to listen to and sing praise and worship songs. If I didn't I would stay in this funk and be a person I am not. I would play the "why me" game. Instead we decided to listen to some music and sign our hearts out to the Lord. Some songs allowed us to thank him, some were songs that brought tears of sadness, some were songs that reminded us of our salvation. Jake and I were really looking forward to 2014. A year of growth and not so many hospital visits. Sadly, looks like 2014 isn't going as well as we had hoped. If you think of it, pray for Dylan on Tuesday. Pray for the surgeons hand and pray that until that surgery his body is able to handle all it has going on. There are so many songs and scriptures I want to share with you at this time but for now know that we will praise Him in this storm just as we have in the past. We will choose to find joy in all things, rejoice in all things and trust in Him. It's not easy, don't think it is. It's a challenge but it's a choice and we have made our choice.
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