On Tuesday we were scheduled to head to the hospital with the twins so Dylan could have his hernias repaired. On Tuesday they were also calling for a nasty storm. Thankfully, we got to the hospital just as the snow began. While waiting we were met by a nurse telling us the surgery was going to be delayed about 2 hours. Poor Dylan. He was allowed to nurse 4 hours prior to surgery which is about as the boy can last anyway. I fed him so that at 4 hours he would be going back to surgery, now he had to wait an extra two. He did great though. While at the hospital I was freezing cold! I was tired and just freezing with a killer head ache. I did the usual things, drank two bottles of water, got some food, walked around the hospital. Still wouldn't go away so I got a coke. Nope! It hurt to move my eyes in any direction. As the day went on the symptoms were worse.
Originally the plan was for Jake to take Logan home and come back and pick Dylan and I up in the morning after getting the boys off to school. My how plans change. Now keep in mind, I am not writing this in the moment of all that occurred. I am home, healthy and can see God's hand as I look back, but in the moment, God was so far down on my "I like you" list he wasn't on it! Here we are with our preemie son whom by the grace of God is healthy! A blessing I don't take lightly. We are all finally home, they boys are gaining weight, everything is finally beginning to look up for us, then WHAM! Oh, your son has hydrocele and bilateral hernias that will need surgery, oh and sorry for all of the pain and screaming he is in but he is going to have to wait 5 days too. Ok, great!
I find out on Monday about the storm thanks to my sister in law who mentioned it. I had NO idea it was coming. I had Ethan and JT all set and people taking care of them, now, I have to scramble to cover every single possible situation. Ok, school delay, no school at all, early dismissal.... FCPS are fairly strict on who can pick up your child, even in an emergency. Ok, done, I think. The boys are cared for.
On to Tuesday. We are at the hospital, Dylan is in surgery and I am wearing Jake's winter coat throughout the hospital. Dylan gets out of surgery and they ask if Jake and Logan will be staying. I look up with hope and joy and say yes! Due to the weather I am hoping they will agree. Normally siblings aren't allowed to stay but because I am nursing twins they said yes. Here is the crazy blessing in that situation, On Wednesday hospital policy was changing due to flu season. On Wednesday the hospital would allow NO visitors at all other than parents. The only reason they agreed to let them stay was because we were being discharged on Wednesday morning. We finally arrive in the room and Jake and I luckily get to sleep on those fabulous chair sofa things. I can't complain, it was my first time in one of those things. Jake has spent many a night on those things. I nursed the boys and was "in bed" by 6pm. Jake did his best to allow me to sleep. At one point I got so dizzy I almost fell over while attempting to help Logan. The nurses never came to check on us even though Dylan's monitor kept falling off and beeping and blinking. After Jake fixed it every 5-20 minutes for four hours we decided to leave it off in hopes a nurse would come check. After two hours of constant beeping Jake called the nurse and asked her to come in and change it to a new one. If no one cared that they weren't getting any information on Dylan then why were we there?!?? On the other hand I was so sick I was truly contemplating heading downstairs to the ER. But I figured I wouldn't get meds until tomorrow anyway so why pay $400 instead of like $20 at the doctors. So together Jake and I toughed out a terrible night. We were discharged the next morning headed to the doctor for me then headed home. Since being home everything has been normal. Dylan is doing well and will have a follow up appointment with the doctor in a few weeks. Other than that we are simply praying for God to lighten the load. He has blessed us with strength, grace, endurance... but I would LOVE the blessing of ease from time to time. Average and boring sound right up my ally these days!
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