Tuesday, February 11, 2020


When Jake and I were newlyweds we learned that marriage isn't 50/50, it's 100/100.  You give 100% of yourself, your love, your time 100% of the time.  Why? because there will be times when your spouse won't have 100% to give.  Maybe it's a rough day, maybe they are sick, maybe their plate is just too full.  Over the years it's turned into a joke.  The kids see us fighting, playfully, over doing the dishes.  They hear us say things, like " you are taking my 100%" while laughing.  They watch us snag the lawn mower and mow or move the laundry or whatever it may be.  Well, tonight Jake stole my 100%.
JT was having a good night! We were able to bump his pain meds back a few hours. Our goal is to not wake him for meds, but for his body to tell us when he needs them.  It's going pretty well, until midnight. He woke upset and in pain, reasonable because he was several hours behind on his meds. We gave him meds and back to sleep he went.  Then at 1am he woke again, no problem, we still had more meds to give (I try to spread them out and not give everything at once). He just couldn't get comfortable in bed.  Jake picked him up and moved him to the sofa, then I went upstairs to grab a pillow so I could sleep on the sofa with JT.  Yeah, no, that thief of a husband had already laid down on the sofa with a blanket and was half asleep. The man has an insane ability to fall asleep in like .05 seconds! Anyway, he and JT are on the sofa and I am up in bed writing you. My 100% was cut off by his 100%. 
It's okay, I will get him back later today I am sure! hahaaa. 

For now, know that the pain isn't going to magically go away but we feel we are making progress.  He is off the codine and has been since his first night home. That's a huge win.  We are going to be woken for the next week or so for pain management and as I tell people, each day is a sliver in the right direction.

Come to think of it, tonight might be a little harder simply because he had his first day of homebound school with his teacher. He did very well and worked hard for an hour.  It was a lot of work for a tired, little boy who still isn't eating much and is on pain medications. 

Pray for his pain!
Pray for his appetite.  It's coming back ever so slowly but pray for an increase in that.
Pray for his sleep.
Pray for his energy level to grow with each passing day

Pray for God to continue to move in our lives and in the lives of those around us. God's plan for JT isn't what Jake or I would have ever chosen but man it's amazing to be apart of and to watch!

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