Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Longest night ever

Well that didn’t go as I’d hoped!
I thought and prayed that last night he would be so tired and on so many pain meds that he’s sleep the night away... he tried but oh my word! Hospitals do not make it easy to recover.
Every time he’d fall asleep I’d try to do the same. Between pain and vomit and alarms waking him up when he was asleep we got about 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Poor Justin was STILL talking about dinner at 1:30am. After I buzzed the nurse 6 times for alarms going off I finally asked if we should expect anymore, she said no..... then 1.5hrs later the stinking alarm went off 2 more times. This time the nurse waited in the room to stop it from going off.
I know they are doing their jobs but what they don’t know or fully understand is that JT startles! Even a soft sound makes him jump. Every time an alarm went off  his body would jump awake and every time he’d end up throwing up. I don’t think it was nausea as much as it was his body responding to an empty stomach, plus pain, plus the scare and then the meds upsetting his stomach.

Today is a new day! We are both tired and the pain is starting to set in. He’s confused and very concerned that his hip hurts. In his mind this was suppose to “fix” his hip so the pain is confusing.

Today the epidural will come out and the boy will GET TO EAT!! He woke at the last alarm at 3:45 for the day...  I’ve heard of nothing else but WHEN are you going to order me food.

Prayers for today:
Pray for pain management
Pray we get some incredible nurses
Pray for no more vomit! (I think we used every puke bag on the floor last night)
Pray for solid naps and supernatural healing
Pray that today is awesome so he can be discharged on Wed. Given how last night went, I’m not sure that’s going to happen.

Praise God that my mighty miracle is in good spirits even in pain.

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