Well, we have been home for 24 hours now and we are all doing ok. The boys were all so happy to see Jt after school yesterday.
Last night was a rough one, harder than the last two nights in the hospital. The meds seemed to wear off about 30 minutes before the next dose. He woke almost hyperventilating more than once. Tonight we will continue the night with medications with the hope that we can start to wean him off starting on Monday. The weaning phase will take about 2 weeks.
It's hard to see him on so many medications. They make him so lethargic he drools, can hardly speak... We are starting to see glimpses of him again, smiles, laughs, excitement at hearing a friend or two was going to visit. I look forward to seeing more of him each day.
As for prayers, please pray for the nights, they seem so much harder than the days. He woke us about every 3 hours last night, pray his body is able to rest more completely today.
Pray for the boys too. They have been wonderful, but it's not easy for 4 boys to stay quiet all the time! They are all so kind and compassionate, but it's not easy.
Pray for supernatural strength and energy for Jake and I. We are both tired from our nights in the hospital and tired from our nights at home. I couldn't imagine walking this path without Jake by my side every step of the way. He is truly the most incredible husband and daddy, I am so amazingly blessed!
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