Thursday, February 6, 2020


Today has been amazing! My hope is that we didn’t over do it. If he can make it today and tonight like this.... I think we MIGHT be homebound tomorrow!

Today the physical therapist came in, she’s actually been here daily but hasn’t been able to do anything with the epidural in. She told us to move him and to help him move himself... after watching your child in so much pain it’s easy to say “no, just leave him! He’s comfortable!” However, knowing that moving is essential to get strong and in the long run reduce pain, you do it!
She and Jake worked to love JT THREE TIMES! That’s a lot for day one.
She wants him sitting up 30 min a day.

I was planning on staying the night but we might have hit the transition point. With my back I can’t lift JT alone. I have 30 minutes to either sa
stay or go back home with the other boys.
It sounds like an easy decision, trust me, it’s not! It’s hard. Hard to know what’s best. Hard to put my heart aside to make the sacrificial decision.
I want to stay! I WANT, but is that what’s best for JT?!?
I’m off to pray and do what’s best for my boy.

Enjoy the pics!

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