My head needs to stop spinning first. Between a tweenager, a child recovering from major surgery, a 7 year old in emotional turmoil and twinados I am just whoa.
E went away to a weekend retreat with Wyldlife. It's a junior high version of Young Life and he couldn't love it more! He has been sharing chants and silly stories and stories about how the cross has defeated sin once and for all... he is on a retreat high if I have ever seen one. It's a beautiful gift to witness.
JT is doing okay. Frustrated and his anxiety is really showing through. The anticipation of potential pain is almost as bad as the pain itself. We are beginning to wean him off the big meds but won't go faster than his little body can handle.
C, my sweet C. He is the story of the night. He came into my room with tears in his eyes, arms spread as wide as they could go. He climbed into my arms and started sobbing. I knew the day would come where the stress of this journey would catch up to us all, I just didn't know when or how. He started sobbing that he didn't want me to get old. He didn't want me to have white hair and wrinkles. It's all very cute, but for him it was so real and so heart breaking. We talked about Matthew 6:34 "Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough worry of it's own." We talked about what that meant and how we don't want to lose the joys of today by worrying about what might happen years and years and years from now (yes, I have plans to stay young or young looking as long as possible! lol) Truth is, he is learning all about the human body in science, has a human body book he loves to read and his birthday is coming up. Add all that together with the stress of life in our house and BAM! It hit the poor sweet hearted boy like a sledge hammer.
Tonight I ask for prayers for all the boys. Pray for their emotions. I have boys with ADHD, anxiety and they are just highly emotional. They have the biggest hearts but with those hearts come big heart ache too. Pray for their peace. Pray for them to trust Jake and I and more to trust God. Pray for them to have peace that passes understanding. Pray for their big beautiful hearts! Thank God for those hearts and ask God to protect and shield them too.
The twinados are fine - still young enough this hasn't effected them too much. We are seeing more behavior outbursts in school and at home but nothing too crazy.
Thank you for joining with us in this journey, for joining with us in prayer! We appreciate you and your walking with us through this all.
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