Today I talked to my brother. It has been a while since life has been busy for us both. He was just calling to check in. It made me happy and sad to talk to him. I wanted to so badly to tell him JT is rocking it! He's doing great! But he's not. This recovery has taken us on a rollercoaster ride we didn't know we were in line for. I think Jake and I thought this was going to be one that takes you to the top then drops you. Not the case, this has been a rolling, looping, upside down, start and stop kinda ride. We are continuing to try to reduce meds. Not daily by any means, but just one day, really one week at a time. We started to reduce them on about Tuesday or Wednesday this week. We will stay where we are for another week then try to go down a little more.
Our prayers - for wisdom. I sit and I look at him and I have NO IDEA how he is going to go back to school in 3 weeks. I cheered, yes out loud all alone, when he held his head up on his own this week! It was miraculous!
If he can't hold his head up HOW is he going to sit for class for hours on end? How is he going to wheel his chair? How is he going to walk?!? HOW??
I remind myself of scripture I share with my worry wart kiddos (they get it from me!) Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough worries of it's own. Still, as a mom, I worry. My goal, my prayer for myself is to trust! Trust the process, trust the recovery, trust the doctors and most of all, trust God! It sounds easy but when you are a liiiiitle bit of a control freak... it's really the hardest thing to do!
Anyway, pray for wisdom. Do we keep him home an extra week? Do we ask for 1/2 days for a week or two? Do we go back to school and hope he can do it? I don't know, so please ask God to grant us wisdom in what to do and when to do it.
Thanks all! I look forward to the day I can say "WE HAD AN AWESOME DAY!" We just aren't there yet.
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