Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Hello wonderful family and friends,

If you haven't heard yet... JT IS HOME! I got a call from the NICU on Monday morning asking if I wanted to bring Justin YEAH! I called Jake at work asked if he wanted to take JT home. His reaction to me was the same as mine was to the NICU... "really? what? wait, really???" So yes, really, we went and picked up our boy! I couldn't stop smiling!! We have been home now for a couple days and are adjusting well. Ethan LOVES his little brother! Sometimes I think a little too much. He hates going to take his nap b/c baby isn't with him. (He does say both Justin and JT but still calls him baby most of the time) When JT is napping in the pack n play and Ethan hears him squeek he goes back to check on baby. Ethan gives him gentle hugs and kisses and like any 1.5yr old he tries to poke his eyes out :-) LOL Jake and I are both getting use to (if that's even possible) the lack of sleep once again. Honesty, we are just happy! Thank you! Thank you all for everything! Mostly we want to thank those of you who have prayed for our family without ceasing. God has certainly heard your prayers. Again, we ask that you continue to keep JT in your prayers. Pray for his development in 2010! I will continue to keep you updated as there are things to update. But for now, I am going to gratefully sign off and just enjoy my family!
We love you all dearly and can't express our gratitude for you! Thank you isn't enough.

All our love in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior!
Jake, Melissa, Ethan and JT

We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests. - Psalm 20:5

Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. - Psalm 95:1

PS if you would keep me in your prayers. I am having knee surgery on the 29th of Dec. The action never stops in this house!

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