Friday, January 14, 2011

the incredible Ethan

This blog has been so much about JT and me lately that I wanted to take a minute to share about the wonderful loving amazing incredible Ethan.
Ethan is 2.5 and he blows my mind! He is creative and loving. He is the most amazing big brother JT could ever have! He is a helper and a love. He always asks Jake and I if we want to play trains with him. He even asks JT to play with him sometimes. When Ethan asks if we want to play trains with him, what he means to say is do you want to watch me play trains! LOL We are still working on the sharing thing.
Ethan has memorized 4 bible verses already and he knows all of his ABC's capital and lower case. He knows most of his numbers 1-10 and can count 1-10.
The other day in the car he said "mommy, P is for peach." Yes my smart little man, P is for peach!!
Ethan shocks Jake and I daily with his knowledge. Sometimes we joke that he has a photographic memory. He loves to sing songs and be sung to.
Recently he has taken to reaching his little beautiful hands out, grabbing my face and giving me a kiss. It's the most beautiful precious moment of the day sometimes.
Some of Ethan's sayings or mis-sayings are things like
"mommy, what do de do?" What he is trying to say is "mommy, what do you call that?" Which is funny b/c he can easily and clearly say "mommy what's that?" Guess he's trying to get those longer sentences in. haha
Ethan calls the fisher price little people "dillies" No idea where that came from
"Swanwich" for sandwich

With all Jake and I have had going on the past few years Ethan has been a shining light. ALWAYS bringing laughter and joy into our house. Always making us thankful for all we have. Ethan is an amazing blessing not only to JT but to us as well.

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