Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I just wanted to let you all know that Dylan is home! I went and picked him up this evening and brought him home!  Our family is now complete and we are so excited.  Thank you for walking and sometimes crawling this journey with us.  We are so thankful for your love and support.  Please keep both boys in your prayers as they spend the next however long with tons of follow up doctor appointments.  Both boys will be followed by an ophthalmologist as well as receive PT and possibly OT from the county.  Jake and I are thankful for the timing of the boys arrival.  Jake always takes off the week between Christmas and New Year's so it will be a good time of adjustment for us all.
Right now Dylan weighs 5lbs 8oz and Logan is hanging out at 5lbs on the nose.  We really need Logan to gain some weight, some serious weight!
Please keep us all in your prayers, pray the Lord would grant us some sleep here and there and pray for all of our boys to adjust and love one another.  Right now they do love each other a great deal.  Even Caleb has learned to be gentle and pat babies back.
Again thank you and enjoy a few photos below.  I will continue to try to update you on how the boys are doing but appreciate your grace in my timing.  The one thing I always tend to forget about with newborns is simply that my time management is out the window and I need to readjust.   What use to take 10min to get in the car and ready to go will now take close to 30!  EEK.

Blessings to you all!!

Logan sleeping sweetly in my arms.  

Dylan getting ready to leave the NICU and come home.

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