Friday, October 10, 2014

Prayers for JT

Yesterday my sweet little boy passed out on the sofa about 1 minute after he got home from school.  He was exhausted.  I don't usually let him nap because if he does then he won't sleep at night.  But, this time, he just looked so sweet and so tired, so I let him sleep for about 40 minutes.  When I went over to gaze at his sweet beauty I noticed that his lips had no color.  I have seen this before in the mornings when he has woken up but I thought it was because he wasn't feeling well.  When he ate the color would come back.  This time the color came back once I had woken him up.  I am concerned that he isn't getting enough oxygen when he sleeps.  I just left a voicemail for the neurologist.  We didn't have a very good first appointment with this office so I am hoping they get back to me today! I am hoping they take this serious and prioritize it.  Right now we are assuming a sleep study will be ordered (yay in sarcasm). My prayer is that we can resolve whatever is going on without the use of a sleep machine.  I don't want him hooked up to a machine all night, he will hate that too.  Please, please pray there is an easy answer and an easy solution.  My sweet boy has been through so much and he is such a fighter.  We are so truly blessed that he has never had a seizure and our prayers are that he will never have one.  But this breaks my heart and scares me too, the colorless lips, it's scary.  Anyway, pray for him, for us, for the doctor and his staff to take our call and message seriously.  Pray for protection of his brain and organs.  
My sweetly sleeping angel, what a beautiful blessing he is!

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