Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Big day

Last night I got a call from the NICU... Logan is off CPAP!!  This is huge and he continues to move quickly.  He had a good night with a few spells but the doctors are confident and are giving him a chance to regulate himself.  For now he is doing a great job and I hope and pray when we go tonight we will get to stare at that handsome little face instead of a huge breathing mask.
Dylan is also doing well.  He still needs his CPAP and that is okay.  His feeds are going up quickly which is great!  He is doing well and we continue to pray that the change in caloric formula was the problem and that his kidneys face no more challenges.
(As I am writing this I am just SO excited to get to the NICU tonight.  I know it's wise to live in the moment but I just can't wait for this day to be over and to get there!!)

So, for now I guess that's it.  The nurse just told me to bring in some clothes for the boys!  They can both wear clothes now :-D  SO FUN!!! I just wish there beds were near each other so we could get their first "twin" picture.

Ok, one excited momma checking out.  Many blessings and thank you for the prayers!

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