Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Huge Praises

Today I went to the NICU to see my boys and feed them.  My plan was to nurse Logan and see if Dylan would take a bottle.  They are both doing well but the tend to trade off on awake times so I haven't been able to feed both of them in one visit.  While I was there I got to hold both the boys again.  It brings me such joy to hold them together.  While they were grunting and swatting at each other the cardiologist came in.  Both boys had another echocardiogram today.  Big news!! Both boys have perfect hearts!  Yes, that's right, Dylan's PDA has officially closed!!! Neither of them will need to follow up with a cardiologist.  I am so happy and excited! One more blessing, one more step to coming home.  Another blessing, I fed Logan and the nurse said I could try to nurse Dylan, so I did and he did AWESOME!  So, today for the first time I was able to nurse both boys.  Just one more realization on what is to come when they do come home.  CHAOS!  But it will be joyful, beautiful chaos.
Dylan wasn't in an open crib like I had hoped but I think he will be soon.

HOORAY for happy happy days!!

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