Saturday, October 26, 2013

a murmur and more

Dearest friends,

This blog is to ask for specific prayers for our sweet little Dylan.  I went to the NICU today and learned that Dylan isn't doing well at all.  His kidneys are not functioning properly and they don't know why.  Today a kidney specialist saw him and he had a ton of labs done.  The doctor was great and took time to answer my questions so in bullet points I will try to get all the information across.

 - blood pressure is low - could be part of the problem
 - PDA could be a large reason kidneys are struggling, PDA surgery might no longer be a choice because his kidneys won't be able to process drugs needed for surgery
 - PDA - the doctor told me he heard a heart murmur very clearly today and said if it's clear tomorrow he will order another echogram (which Dylan had this week and it came back looking good) to see if valve has gotten larger again.  (again could be part of the problem)
 - kidney could be damaged - if the kidney is damaged there is hope it can "fix itself" so that is a waiting game
 - There is a possibility of infection.  If that is the case they can treat infection with meds.

Right now we are waiting and praying.  I am scared for my little boy.  I am praying fervently and begging God for his mercy to pour down onto these sweet little boys that came much too soon.  Please pray for me and with me.  So many of you have been so faithful with your prayers and they are carrying Jake and I through this.  There are times I just don't know what to pray.  The words leave me and I have little to say.  I know God knows my heart and for that I am thankful.  But more than that, I am thankful for you and for your prayers.  I know that when I can't you do.  It's such a blessing to know it's okay to take a backseat.  (not my nature either)
So please pray for wisdom for the doctors and clear test results (they should come back tomorrow).  If it's the Lords will pray he would heal Dylan.
God is the mighty physician, the great healer.  He CAN do this if it's his will and I am praying it is.

Thanks so much friends!!


Frank said...

Melissa, Christine and I and all Purcells keep you and yours in our prayers, even from northbound up I-81 tonight.

Unknown said...

Praying too, Foulkes!
- Kirsten (Dexter) Earp