Friday, October 25, 2013

Flip Flop

Flip flops are in fact my favorite kind of shoe to wear but that's not what I am talking about.  Logan and Dylan have flip flopped again!  In the beginning Logan was bigger, then Dylan took off out of the gates and was flying through NICU life.  Now Logan is back in the lead.  I feel like a broadcaster describing a horse race or something.
Logan is eating like a champ, gaining weight and is on very low oxygen.  He is requiring iron these days but it's better than another blood transfusion.
Dylan and his PDA are holding steady.  The sipap has helped him a great deal and his oxygen has been lowered a great deal as well.
To be honest, I am kind of waiting for the day we go in and Logan has slipped up a bit giving Dylan the lead again.  We will see if Logan holds true to stereotypical older twin-isms or if Dylan will give him a run for his money.  Only time will tell.
Most days I call the NICU there isn't much for the nurses to tell me.  They are doing well, they have pooped...yes, these are the things I get told over the phone.  So for now, keep lifting them up.

On a side note, I had all of my pre op testing this week and I am considering having another biopsy done.  I will wait to talk to my doctor but the nodule looked different to me on the sonogram than it did the first time.  Pray for me.  Pray for wisdom.  I believe I could be healed and might not need surgery.  I am going to confirm it with doctors first and only have a week to get it done so pray for the Lord to open doors if there is a path other than surgery.  What a miracle, gift, blessing that would all be!  I would love nothing more than to be a walking miracle!!!!!

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